« Délicieusement cru » de Judita Wignall
« Crudessence » de Mathieu Gallant
« Croque la vie. Ma méthode en 21 petits pas » de Dany Culaud.

« Cru » de Kate wood
« Cuisiner cru » de Leïla Drissi et Xavier Bouliere

Cru, brut, à l’état sauvage, cuisiner sans transformer le produit, voilà le concept ! Ici on ne cuit pas, on déshydrate patiemment afin de conserver toute les valeurs nutritives des aliments. On utilise des produits de première qualité, des fruits et légumes fraîchement cueillis, des graines germées et noix variés, uniquement des produits végétaliens, c’est-à-dire sans produits animaux, et de préférence bio. Le must : incorporer des super-aliments dans votre assiette (baies de Goji, acérola, gingembre, guarana, beurre de cacao entre autres) !
Le résultat est une cuisine haute vitalité, saine et créative,idéale pour le corps et l’esprit et, qui plus est, délicieusement savoureuse ! Tous les spécialistes du bio le disent : c’est la tendance culinaire pour les dix années à venir !
Aidé de ce livre, vous serez prêt pour cuisiner cru et découvrir ces 70 recettes qui en surprendront plus d’un.
Dans un second temps, pour aller un peu plus loin :
« Le grand livre de la cuisine crue » de Kristof Berg
– Le matériel spécifique, l’hygiène pour une cuisine vivante, l’organisation et l’approvisionnement, l’eau filtrée…
– Les nouvelles techniques : déshydratation, pickling, germination, fermentation, substitution…
– Les produits : focus sur les ingrédients-clés, point sur les superfoods..
• 100 recettes de base : laits végétaux, sauces, pains plats, assaisonnements, noix, crèmes, bases… Préparations que l’on ré-utilise ensuite dans les plats
• Plus de 200 recettes créatives pour faire le tour des plats emblématiques de la cuisine crue : des crackers aux tartes crues, des smoothies-repas rapides aux menus » degustation « . Sans oublier un beau chapitre desserts : mignardises, raw cacao, biscuits…
• Des menus, des index par type de plats et par ingrédients complète ce livre ressource.

« L’instant cru » de Marie Sophie L.

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« The Uncook Book: The Essential Guide to a Raw Food Lifestyle » Tanya Maher
The Uncook Book by Tanya Maher is the perfect book for anyone who wants to celebrate life through food. Raw food really gives you that opportunity because it gives you so much energy and clarity – but this book is as much about pleasure and enjoying life as it is about health. Offering easy-to-follow, accessible recipes with a modern edge, Tanya draws on her years of experience as a raw food nutritionist and guides you through brilliant basics, fun family favorites and elegant entertaining with living foods. As more and more people begin to appreciate the huge health benefits that a raw food lifestyle offers, Tanya makes it easy to either greatly increase your intake of raw foods or embrace this way of eating for breakfast, lunch and dinner if it feels right for you – while still enjoying a busy social calendar! With beautiful photography, easy-to-source, familiar ingredients, and pull-out information on the benefits they offer your body, these recipes are so tasty that you will want to make them again and again. And if you think you’re going to be deprived of anything at all, there’s even a section on delicious superfood cocktails!
« Choosing Raw: Making Raw Foods Part of the Way You Eat » Gena Hamshaw
After her health journey led her to a plant-based diet, Gena Hamshaw started a blog for readers of all dietary stripes looking for a common- sense approach to healthy eating and fuss-free recipes. Choosing Raw , the book, does in an in depth manner what the blog has done for hundreds of thousands of readers: addresses the questions and concerns for any newcomer to veganism makes a plant-based diet with many raw options feel easy instead of intimidating provides a starter kit of delicious recipes and offers a mainstream, scientifically sound perspective on healthy living.With more than 100 recipes, sumptuous food photos, and innovative and wholesome meal plans sorted in levels from newcomer to plantbased pro, Hamshaw offers a simple path to health and wellness. With a foreword by Kris Carr, New York Times -bestselling author of Crazy Sexy Diet , Choosing Raw is a primer in veganism, a cookbook, the story of one woman’s journey to health, and a love letter to the lifestyle that transformed her relationship with food.
« Live Raw: Raw Food Recipes for Good Health and Timeless Beauty » Mimi Kirk
Mimi Kirk is stunningly healthy-and she attributes this almost completely to her diet. She’s been an inspiration to thousands through her PETA award and this book stands to garner her even more fans. A vegetarian for decades, she’s recently transitioned into eating primarily raw foods. She feels and looks years younger than her age. Now she reveals her secrets, with more than 100 raw food recipes accompanied by a revolutionary new way to eat. She provides concrete information on how making simple changes can produce remarkable results in the area of health, weight, appearance vitality, and anti-aging. She provides evidence that diets don’t work and teaches how to lose weight easily and naturally and keep it off without complicated calorie counting, measurements, or feelings of deprivation. She shows those using medication and prescription drugs a natural way to heal themselves. Readers who are insecure about aging will learn how to look better simply by adopting a healthy lifestyle and gaining self-love.
« The Fully Raw Diet: 21 Days to Better Health, with Meal and Exercise Plans, Tips, and 75 Recipes » Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram
The Fully Raw Diet offers a 21-day plan to help people enjoy a clean, plant-based, healthful approach to eating. Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram transformed her own health by eating vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds—100% fresh, raw, and ripe—and she is now the vivacious, uber-healthy founder of the FullyRaw brand. Her ten-year success with this lifestyle inspires thousands via social media, and her 21-day FullyRaw Video Challenge on YouTube in 2014 dramatically grew her fan base. This book shares her advice and will correspond to a new video challenge, with meal and exercise tips, recipes, and vivid photos. Fans will love the smoothies, salads, main dishes, and desserts, such as Lemon-Ginger Blast, Spicy Mango Basil Salad, Yellow Squash Fettuccine Alfredo, Melon Pops, and Caramel-Apple Cups.
« Ani’s Raw Food Kitchen: Easy, Delectable Living Foods Recipes » Ani Phyo
This is the ultimate gourmet, living foods « uncookbook » for busy people. You don’t have to sacrifice taste or style to reap the benefits of raw foods. These delectable, easy recipes emphasize fresh, animal-free ingredients and how to include more organics into your daily diet. Chef Ani offers delicious raw, animal-free versions of: breakfast scrambles, pancakes, chowders, bisques, and other soups, cheezes, mylks, lasagna, burgers, cobblers, pies, and cakes, and more. Included are recipes for dishes such as Stuffed Anaheim Chili with Mole Sauce, Ginger Almond Nori Roll, Coconut Kreme Pie with Carob Fudge on Brownie Crust, Mediterranean Dolmas, and Chicken-Friendly Spanish Scramble. Make your own kitchen more living-foods friendly with Chef Ani’s tips on Essential tools, Key ingredients, Stocking your pantry, and How-to kitchen skills.
Pour aller plus loin / to go further into gourmet raw food:
« Plant Food (Everyday Raw) » Matthew Kenney & Meredith Baird
The Matthew Kenney team, always on the forefront of culinary innovation, offers up their latest techniques and approaches to raw food dining. This cookbook guides you to prepare raw foods in a contemporary, artistic manner utilizing the best ingredients. The recipes are grouped by method: found, let, sprouted, spun, dried, smoked, sealed, cured, pressed, fermented, aged, sweetened, blended, and juiced, and make soups, salads, cheeses, main courses, desserts, and drinks.
Matthew Kenney is a chef, restaurateur, caterer, and food writer. He has appeared on the Today Show, the Food Network, and numerous morning and talk shows. He is the author of Everyday Raw, Everyday Raw Express, Everyday Raw Chocolate, and Everyday Raw Gourmet. Matthew splits his time between New York, California, and Maine. Meredith Baird is an integral part of the Matthew Kenney team and the Matthew Kenney Restaurant and Academy. She is the author of Everyday Raw Detox and assisted in writing and developing recipes for Raw Chocolate, Everyday Raw Desserts, and Everyday Raw Express. She lives in Maine and Los Angeles.
« Everyday Raw Desserts (Raw Food) » Matthew Kenney
Everyday Raw Desserts combines Matthew Kenney’s fresh recipes and sense of style to create fabulous all-raw desserts. Matthew is well known and respected in the raw food world. The book includes an abundance of recipes not typically expected to be raw, from cakes, pies, puddings, and flans to brownies, candy, cookies, and ice cream. Forty breathtaking photos and more than seventy-five recipes will make a sweet splash on the raw food scene. Matthew Kenney is a chef, restaurateur, caterer, and food writer. He has appeared on the Today Show, the Food Network, and numerous morning and talk shows. Matthew splits his time between New York and Maine.